Heart Push Negative

Beat negative is a condition where the heart beats irregularly or irregularly. This may be due to disruption of the heart muscle, which can lead to serious consequences. However, there is no need to panic. In this article we will talk about how to avoid a negative heartbeat and what to do if it does occur.

A cardiac impulse is the vibration of the walls of the heart at the moment of contraction, which is felt in the chest area. If the cardiac impulse is positive, this means that only the lower parts of the heart contract, while the upper parts remain relaxed. This is a normal condition for a healthy person.

However, if the cardiac impulse becomes negative, this indicates that the contracting sections are changing places. In this case, the upper sections begin to work instead of the lower ones. This negatively affects blood circulation, as the heart works irregularly and unevenly.

The causes of a negative heartbeat can be very different