Heart Vector Moment

  1. S.v. at a given moment in time; 2) the vector of the electromotive force of an elementary cardiac dipole at a given moment in time.

The cardiac torque vector (CV) is a vector quantity that characterizes the direction and strength of the electric field created by the beating heart at any given moment in time.

S.v. is defined as the vector of the electromotive force of an elementary cardiac dipole at a specific moment in time. The heart is a collection of many elementary dipoles - areas of the myocardium in which excitation is currently occurring. S.v. is the resulting quantity characterizing the total field of all currently active cardiac dipoles.

Measurement and analysis of S.v. used in electrocardiography to assess the functional state of the heart over time.

Heart vector moment: definition, concept and features.

The cardiac vector-instantaneous parameter is a special mathematical tool for analyzing and assessing the properties of the heart rhythm, an important parameter for diagnosing healthy and cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmia and other abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.