Serum Diagnostic

**Diagnostic serum** - (S. diagnosticum), antigen, is a specific weakened culture of microbes and neutralized toxins, prepared on the basis of a weakened live vaccine for the detection of specific antibodies by serological reactions. Both pathogens of the corresponding disease and their waste products can be used as antigens. For example, diagnostic sera are used in sanitary and epidemiological practice for the detection and identification of pathogens of typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, cholera, measles, plague, anthrax and other diseases.

Introduction and registration of diagnostic sera

The simplest diagnosis of certain infectious diseases is based on the usual clinical signs of an infectious disease (violation of the general condition, changes in the nature of discharge from the throat, etc.). Such a diagnosis can only be speculative and requires additional clinical examination. A prerequisite for modern diagnosis of infectious diseases is sanitary and bacteriological analysis.

The principle of sanitary-bacteria. analysis of any infectious disease The disease is determined by three main points: the creation of specific diagnostic preparations (serum, diagnostic reagents), the preparation of sufficiently sensitive methods for indicating the pathogen (serodiagnosis, PCR, RNGA, etc.) and the use of appropriate methods for indicating bacterial etiological agents in the patient. To indicate microorganisms in patients who do not have the causative agent in their body at the time of examination, it is necessary to conduct provocative tests with various models of infection (for example, the introduction of an aqueous solution of the influenza virus and the determination of anti-influenza IgM, as well as ELISA on a viral antigen analyzer). This method is usually used in the diagnosis of herpes infections and retroviral infections of human immunodeficiency. However, even if there is an infectious patient in itself, there is not enough information about the presence of a specific form of the disease. It is necessary to discover whether the causative agents of the disease are one or more types, i.e. decipher the epidemics