Sexual Excess

Sexual excesses.

Sexual behavior is an important aspect of many people's lives. However, sometimes sexual behavior can lead to undesirable consequences, such as sexual excesses. What is sexual excess?

Male sexual excess is the performance of more than one sexual act (followed by ejaculation) during the day. One of the reasons for the emergence of male sexual

Sexual excesses are a special type of sexual deviation, which includes a man having more than one sexual intercourse per day, or performing several sexual acts without ejaculation.

What are sexual excesses? In sexology, sexual excess is considered an anomaly of sexual behavior, which indicates the presence of mental pathology. Mental abnormalities of this kind most often develop against the background of an extreme form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The course of the disease is characterized by periodic exacerbations and short remissions. This condition can be expressed in different ways and depend on the characteristics of the mental state of each individual person. For some people, manifestations occur only occasionally, while others occur quite frequently. The fate of this patient depends on how the excess craving manifests itself. To diagnose the disease, specialists must conduct a comprehensive examination, as well as interview the patient for the presence of diseases of the genital organs and neurological disorders.