
Spherocytes are specially arranged red blood cells that are distinguished by their unique morphology and functional characteristics. Spherocytosis is a special sign of a congenital malformation of the erythrocyte membrane, characteristic of a hereditary form of malaria, in which increased doses of antimalarial drugs do not affect the causative agent of the disease. Despite the variety of forms and symptoms, all forms of spherocytosis have one thing in common: an increased risk of death in the presence of traumatic injuries or extrarenal blockage of blood circulation. As a rule, after normalization of erythropoiesis and disappearance of clinical signs of spherocytosis

What are spherocytes

Spherocytes are small, round blood cells that typically form in the bone marrow. They are spherical in shape and do not contain a core. Spherocytes are formed in case of iron deficiency within the body, for example, in iron deficiency anemia. In this case, the hematopoietic system begins to forge spherocytic cells with a smaller amount of intracellular pigment - hemoglobin