
Sphincteroplasty is a surgical operation aimed at restoring and strengthening the sphincter muscles that are part of the anal canal. Sphincters are rings of muscles that control the passage of gases and stool from the intestines.

There can be many reasons for dysfunction of the sphincters, for example, injuries, infections, hemorrhoids, scars after operations and other diseases. As a result of disruption of the sphincters, problems with bowel movements, incontinence of gases and feces, as well as pain, discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

Sphincteroplasty is performed both for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours. After the operation, the patient may remain in the hospital for several days.

To restore the functioning of the sphincter muscle, various methods can be used, such as implanting special prostheses, administering special drugs or using a laser. The choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of muscle dysfunction.

After sphincteroplasty, certain rules must be followed to avoid relapse of the disease. Patients are advised to avoid physical activity, take special medications and follow a diet.

In general, sphincteroplasty is an effective method of treating and preventing diseases associated with dysfunction of the anal canal and sphincters. It improves the quality of life of patients and reduces the risk of complications.

Sphincteritis is a complex of symptoms associated with decreased tone and mobility of the sphincter. It can occur due to various reasons such as lifestyle changes, stress, age-related changes, lack of sleep, etc. In this case, relaxation of muscle tissue and intestines occurs due to loss of tone of the sphincter muscle, which is located in the anal area. This causes discomfort, pain when walking, difficulty defecating and gas in the intestines. In such a situation, a person begins to feel weak and disabled. But not everything is as scary as it seems. Modern medicine offers a solution to this problem - sphincteroplasty. This surgical operation allows you to restore the tone of the muscle that is located at the site of the fistula canal. The operation eliminates the signs of sphincteritis and allows the patient to experience significant relief from their condition.

There are several types of sphincters:

Contractile sphincters - located around the muscle fibers in the cavernous bodies of the bladder. Designed to hold urine. Contractile muscles - found on the intestinal wall in the large intestine. They regulate the passage of feces through the intestines. Irresistible sphincters are located in the trachea. They are used during tracheotomy to provide ventilation to the upper respiratory tract. Emetics - used only for vomiting (for example, in the stomach). Without a sphincter - people with such anomalies may have defective development of the genitourinary system; newborns rarely survive. In general, the sphincterium is a part of the gastrointestinal tract that does not perform a motor function. But humans do not have absolutely incompressible sphinxes