Shahm - fat

Duck fat is the hottest and driest, followed by lean fat, and old fat is lighter.

Duck fat is very thin, but hotter than chicken fat; and rooster fat occupies a middle position between them. Deer fat is very hot, and cow fat is midway between lion fat and goat fat. The bear's fat is sparse; the male's fat is stronger in every way; the fat of an old animal is lighter. Goat fat is the most astringent of all, and goat fat is the most absorbent.

Bear fat and goose fat help against fox disease, and donkey fat helps against skin spots. Goose fat is useful for cracks on the face and lips.

Tumors and acne.
Pork fat is useful for tumors, and lion fat dissolves hard tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
Donkey fat helps with fire burns.

Organs of the head.
Goose fat soothes ear pain, as does fox fat, which is very useful for this. Chicken fat is useful for rough tongue.

Tools with joints.
Deer fat helps with cramps.

Organs of the eye.
Fish oil helps against cataracts in the eye; mixed with honey, it sharpens vision. Fresh viper fat helps against veils and cataracts and helps prevent hair plucked from the eyelids from growing back.

Eruption organs.
Goat fat is beneficial if consumed for ulcers and burning in the intestines. It helps against ulcers in the intestines and heals them better than pork fat and this is because it hardens quickly; but pork fat soothes the burning sensation better. The fat from the hump of a camel, if smoked with it, is useful for kidney problems; Any soft fat, for example, chicken and others, helps with pain in the uterus, but old fat is harmful to the uterus. Goose fat is also good for the uterus.

Pork fat helps against reptile bites, and elephant and deer fat, if smeared with it, drives away reptiles. Goat fat helps against Spanish fly poisoning.