
Quickening is the first movement of the fetus in the uterus that the expectant mother feels. Typically, fetal movement begins to be felt sometime after sixteen weeks of pregnancy, although in some cases it may appear a little earlier.

The first movement of a baby is an exciting and memorable moment for the expectant mother. It is the first contact and bond between a mother and her baby, a physical manifestation of the new life growing inside her. Many women describe the first movement of the baby as a slight tingling, tickling from the inside or a feeling of "bubbles".

Although fetal movement is usually not a cause for concern, it is important to monitor its frequency and intensity. A child's decreased activity may be a sign of health problems and requires immediate medical attention. If there is no movement after 24 weeks of pregnancy, this is also an alarming symptom.

Thus, the movement of the fetus is a joyful and important event for every expectant mother, marking a physical connection between her and the child and requiring careful attention throughout the entire pregnancy.

Fetal movement (Quickening) is the first movement of the baby in the mother's womb, which she begins to feel. This is an important moment in the development of pregnancy, which indicates that the baby begins to move and grow inside the uterus.

Typically, fetal movement begins after the sixteenth week of pregnancy. However, in some cases, this may happen a little earlier or later. For example, if a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets, then movement may begin earlier than usual. Also, if a woman has any health problems, such as diabetes or low blood sugar, this may affect the onset of fetal movement.

When a woman begins to feel the fetus moving, she may feel small kicks or movements in her abdomen. This can be a very pleasant and exciting moment for the expectant mother. She may even begin to feel the rhythm of her baby's movements.

Fetal movement is of great importance for the development of the child. Firstly, it helps the child develop and grow. Secondly, it can help the expectant mother understand that her baby is alive and well. Thirdly, the movement of the fetus can give the expectant mother a feeling of confidence and calm.

It is important to remember that every baby develops differently and the time at which they start moving may vary. If a woman does not feel fetal movement after the sixteenth week, she should consult a doctor to check the baby’s condition.

Contents: -Description of the process of fetal movement in the first trimester of pregnancy -What sensations and how often does movement occur -When does movement begin

What is wiggle? Movement, or Quickening, is the first movement of the unborn baby inside the uterus. It is felt by a pregnant woman, as the fetal head begins to put pressure on the lower uterus. There is an opinion that a woman realizes that she will have a child only when she feels this movement. The first conscious feeling of motherhood may be associated with it. Also, a person’s words about the sensation of movement can often be attributed to precisely this period of his life.