Simpson-Fenomenov forceps

Forceps for removing baby teeth

For children, it is very important to remove baby teeth for preventive purposes. Often the baby tooth is not located where it is needed and interferes with the eruption of the permanent one. Sometimes baby teeth are affected by caries and have a rough surface on which food particles easily get stuck. Such teeth spoil permanent teeth, since food residues in the gaps between them gradually destroy the enamel, whereas they should ensure its strengthening and protection.

Baby tooth forceps are a tool used by pediatric dentists to remove baby teeth. They are simple in design, easy to use and are available in every children's dental clinic. Therefore, tongs are often called children's instruments.

Purpose and scope of application of forceps

The operation of a medical instrument is based on the physical properties of the human hand. This is the strength and ease of movement of the hand. They are effectively used by pediatric dentists with forceps to move or remove a tooth.