Шиз- (Schiz-), Шизо- (Schizo-)

Schiz- and Schizo- are prefixes used in medical terminology to denote splitting or separation. These prefixes are widely used in the names of various diseases and conditions associated with a violation of the unity of thinking, perception and behavior.

One of the most well-known diseases that use the prefix Schizo- is schizophrenia. This is a mental disorder that is characterized by a split personality, impaired thinking, perception and behavior. Schizophrenia can manifest itself in the form of hallucinations, delusions, disturbances in the emotional sphere and social adaptation.

However, the prefix Schiz- is also used in other medical terms. For example, schizoid personality disorder is a condition in which a person prefers to avoid interacting with other people and shows no interest in social relationships. Schizoid personality disorder may be associated with certain personality traits, such as loneliness, daydreaming, and a lack of empathy.

In addition, the prefix Schiz- (Schiz-) can be used in the names of other diseases, such as schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal disorder, schizokeloid disorder and others.

In general, the use of the prefixes Schiz- and Schizo- in medical terminology is associated with a violation of the unity of thinking, perception and behavior. While these terms can cause fear and anxiety, it is important to understand that most people living with these conditions can get help and support to improve their quality of life.

Schiz- and Schizo- are prefixes denoting splitting or separation in various areas of life. They come from the Greek root "schizo", which means "separation".

The prefix Shiz- is commonly used in medicine and psychology to denote multiple personality disorder or mental illness. In this context, the word "schizo" can be used to describe a person suffering from schizophrenia.

On the other hand, the prefix Schizo- is used in other fields, such as linguistics and philosophy, to denote the division into parts or analysis of different aspects of a phenomenon. For example, the word "schizophasia" refers to a condition where a person speaks without connections between words or phrases.

It is important to note that the use of these prefixes may have negative associations and may be inappropriate in some contexts. Therefore, it is important to be careful when using them and consider the context and tone of the statement.

This interesting prefix is ​​familiar to many from the film "The Matrix", in which Neo was exposed to it and was in a state of continuous contradictions and reflections. They say that this saying came to us from some ancient philosopher, although perhaps it came from Eastern teachings. In any case, many analogies can be drawn in philosophy, but we will leave them to professional philosophers. The interesting thing here is that some people are capable of undergoing this state of splitting, even without being a philosopher. This condition is very well known to those who would like to restrain it, and yet it can happen to anyone. To prevent these torments and understand the mechanisms of their occurrence, we will try to analyze schizophrenia and its structure, as well as the consequences for our society.

What kind of schizophrenic splitting is this?

Schizophrenic duality is associated with a disruption in the normal functioning of thinking when it perceives unusual ideas and feelings. There are several features of this phenomenon:

1. An absolute sense of independence - the thought process takes its own direction and is in no way connected with general attitudes; 2. Low propensity for empathy - a person is not able to understand the feelings of other people, as well as a decrease in sensitivity to himself and to his own environment, which in turn leads to a decrease in communication skills; 3. Illogical thinking - different beliefs, attitudes and concepts lead to inconsistency between the “internal” and “external” language. For example, after severe stress, a person may give "attachment" in speech to the word "peace", which is a political term and has nothing to do with his perception at the moment; 4. Violation of logical connections - thinking becomes autonomous from logic, which should be connected with current knowledge and experience. Schizophrenics often develop a “pathological logic” in which they try to achieve an abstract understanding of the world. These concepts can cause social exclusion, but only a small proportion of them are at risk of causing harm to society.