Schizophrenia Simple

Schizophrenia protsedir is a collective name for a variety of psychotic disorders that lead to characteristic and recurrent situations of hallucination, disintegration, or inappropriate affect. It is a widespread disease worldwide, affecting one in six people. Schizophrenia is commonly cited as one of the greatest achievements in the field of psychiatry; however, its emergence poses more questions than answers. Psychiatrists could not explain what was happening to many patients and to explain they used theories that were not confirmed by modern science, which even today, more than 200 years after the start of the study of schizophrenia, have many erroneous theories and suspicions.

The term "simple" means that it is a form of schizophrenia. In addition to it, there are also, for example, schizoid, paranoid and others. The definition of “simple” is sometimes considered the cause of negative interpretations towards the patient. But since such forms of schizophrenia exist, simple ones say that patients are the object of such incomprehensible research.

A sick person can receive a diagnosis based on medical and psychological tests. The average person has no obvious signs of this disease, except for decreased emotionality and indifference or some signs that doctors decided to test for schizophrenia without obvious reasons.