Schizophrenia Senesthetic Huber

Schizophrenia, like any other disease, is a serious mental disorder that can have serious consequences for a person’s health and life. One of the rarest and most complex types of schizophrenia is senematic hubera, which affects only a few people worldwide. This form of the disease manifests itself in the form of hallucinations, delusions and other mental disorders. In this article we will look at the definition, symptoms and treatment of this type of schizophrenia.

Senematic schizophrenia is a type of schizophrenia caused by mutations in genes that control brain development. The exact reason why mutation of these genes leads to schizophrenia in semenatic huber is still not clear, but it is known that in the case of this disease, a person remains conscious and can control his actions, but is not able to communicate with others or remember new information.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia Senesthetic Huber may include: * Development of abnormal thoughts (fantasies, hallucinations) * Loss of control over one's actions (suicidal ideation, self-harm, hyperactivity) * Impaired attention and memory (inability to remember new words or information) * Unreasonable mood swings * External manifestation emotions (grimaces, body twitches) Treatment of schizophrenia senictic guberitis is a complex and lengthy process, and depends on each individual case. In general, it includes