Shkolnikova Bone Suture

Shkolnikov bone suture is a method of treating bone fractures, which was developed by the Soviet orthopedic traumatologist Leonid Grigorievich Shkolnikov. This method was created based on his own research and experience in the field of orthopedics.

Shkolnikov bone suture is used to treat fractures that cannot be corrected with conventional treatments such as a cast or surgery. The method involves the surgeon using special instruments to connect the bones using metal rods.

One of the main advantages of the Shkolnikov bone suture is that it allows you to quickly restore the function of the damaged limb and avoid complications such as infections or improper bone fusion. In addition, this method can be used to treat complex fractures when other treatment methods have failed.

However, like any other treatment method, Shkolnikov bone suture has its drawbacks. For example, this method requires a highly qualified surgeon and special equipment, which may not be available in some regions. Also, after surgery, complications may occur, such as infections or improper fixation of bones.

In general, Shkolnikov bone suture is an effective method of treating fractures and can be used in cases where other methods have failed. However, before surgery, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s condition and choose the optimal treatment method.

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