Schneider's Primary Delusion Relationship

Schneider Robert

The article describes the psychological phenomenon of Primary Bruder of Relationship - one of the common delusional disorders, which is characterized by the belief that another person is hostile to the patient or is trying to kill him. The article discusses the causes and treatment of primary delusions regarding violence, as well as recommendations for its prevention and management.

It is important to understand that delusions of primary intimacy are a psychotic state caused by disruption of a person’s cognitive and emotional processes. It can manifest itself in a variety of forms, including negative attitudes toward other people, expectations of them, and perceptions of their actions. Some patients lose control of their emotions and commit dangerous actions that can lead to tragic consequences.

The causes of primary delirium can be different. It is often related to abuse and trauma experienced in childhood or adolescence. Such people may experience a constant feeling of danger and fear, which can lead to the development of pathological symptoms. Other causes include various mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression.

Treatment of primary delirium is based on a combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy. Taking antipsychotic medications can help control symptoms of psychosis, but only in combination with psychotherapy can long-term remission of the disease be achieved. The goal of psychotherapy is to identify the causes of delusions, increase the patient's self-esteem and help him overcome negative experiences.

When treating primary delirium, special attention is paid to involving patients themselves in the treatment process. They must take an active part in therapy and be aware of