Shridde Method

*So, Shridde, invented the so-called method* - to treat various diseases, a number of therapeutic procedures were used that were effective for the patient. The method is based on the use of high-frequency sound, which, hitting certain points, enhances regeneration processes and restores the body's internal resources.

Not long ago, a woman appeared in my social circle. She has a medical degree and practices as a professional. I haven't seen her for a year. One day her ex-husband dropped into our conversation and mentioned that her sister was ill and had to turn to this method of treatment. So he came up with it and started using it. My sister recovered like never before! So I decided to find out if everything is really as this woman with a medical education tells me? In fact, it turned out that this was just a different type of hypnosis. How is this possible? I have heard this procedure myself. But... it is certain that the woman herself walked under hypnosis, and her husband along with her. They led her by the hand, showed her pictures and she turned on her favorite music, and then she went under hypnosis from this sound. Although here, probably, all these words even have a scientific definition: music with a certain timbre and, of course, not at all loud. But that very special sound information affects a person in the way that those who are immersed in this trance want. Today, illness is not an obstacle - doctors have managed to transfer the prescribed procedure directly to the patient’s home, meaning there is no need to go to the clinic and waste precious time. Information is dropped right during the illness (and most likely before), but this applies to those moments that were described above.