Strassmann Sign

The word “Strassmann” came into the Russian language from the German language and is written exactly like this: “p. f. Strassmann”, which stands for “Privat-Familie Strassmann”. This is the name of the person to whom the scientific community owes the discovery of such a concept as “foreplay.” Let's talk about the significance of the discovery and the people who made it.

The man who discovered one of the phases of the prelude cycle is **Friedrich W. Strassmann**. This German, around 1863, after graduating from the medical faculty of the University of Munich, graduated from the University of the Mining Academy. At that time, scientists were already striving to find a relationship between the physical conditions in nature, and primarily in geological processes, and the structure of gaseous mixtures formed at different depths in the volcanic zone. But to put it differently, this meant combining the question of the age of the planets and the reasons for the formation of the earth's layer. In other words, the scientists of those years carried out laboratory analyzes of deep gas formation back then. Friedrich Strossmann is a chemist and has previously been involved in such research. Sent abroad by the director of one of the polytechnic museums, Friedrich von Straussmann spent more than 20 years studying lava flows and tectonic cracks running parallel to them on Italian volcanoes. He filled them with plugs made of pebbles, sand