Strassmann Method

Strassmann's method: discovery and application in medicine

The Strassmann technique, also known as Strassmann metroplasty, is a medical procedure that was developed and named after the German surgeon Paul Strassmann. This method has a number of important applications in the fields of surgery and medicine and has become a significant advance in the treatment of various diseases.

The Strassmann method is based on the use of metal or plastic implants to restore or change the shape of bones and tissues in the patient's body. The procedure can be used in various areas of surgery, including orthopedics, urology, dentistry and plastic surgery.

The advantages of the Strassmann method include its effectiveness and relative ease of use. The implants used in this method have high strength and durability, which allows them to successfully perform their functions for a long time. In addition, the Strassmann procedure is usually minimally invasive and has minimal complications.

One of the most common uses of the Strassmann technique is to repair bones after fractures or injuries. Implants stabilize bones and promote proper fusion, which helps restore functionality and mobility to the patient. In the field of dentistry, the Strassmann method is used to replace missing teeth or correct defects in the maxillofacial area.

In addition, the Strassmann method can be used in plastic surgery to change the shape or size of certain parts of the body. This may include reconstruction of the nose, ears, chest or other areas where appearance correction is required. The Strassmann procedure can help patients achieve their desired appearance and improve their self-esteem.

It is important to note that the Strassmann method is a medical procedure that requires high qualifications and experience on the part of the surgeon. It is necessary to carefully assess the patient and take into account his individual characteristics and needs before using this method.

In conclusion, the Strassmann technique represents an important advance in the field of medicine and surgery. It is widely used for bone and tissue restoration, as well as for plastic corrections. Due to its effectiveness and relative ease of use, it helps patients regain functionality and improve their lives. However, like any medical procedure, the Strassmann method requires due care and professionalism on the part of doctors in order to achieve optimal results and ensure the safety of patients.

Straussmann method of artificial menopause (p.f. Strausckmann, syn. Straußmann metroplasty)

*Period of abstinence.* After preliminary preparation for 3-5 weeks, an appointment is made for removal of the uterus and appendages (metal-plastic circles, electrocoagulation, etc.), amputation of the cervix by electrocoagulation using end clamps or laser technology. This is followed by a period of abstinence from sexual activity.

_Sexual asceticism._ After a period of abstinence, it is necessary to protect the ovaries from the action of certain enzymes, thereby preventing the release of sex gland hormones from them. This is achieved by prescribing medications and certain measures. Pain in the first days after surgery can be reduced by prescribing alkalizing substances and physiotherapy. To control the activity of hyaluronidase, hormone-containing drugs (oral contraceptives) are prescribed. When preparing the ovaries, it is necessary to avoid abortion, in vitro fertilization, continuation of pregnancy, intravenous