Noise Double Engine

Machine noise is vibration noise that is created by moving parts of a machine. It can have different characteristics and intensity depending on the type of machine and its use. In this article we will look at double machine noise, which is common in industry and is a serious health problem for workers.

A double machine is a machine that consists of two different machines connected to each other by a common mechanism. This causes noise from each machine to be transmitted to the other, creating complex and intense noise. This noise can be very dangerous and harmful to health.

The first risk factor from double machine noise is related to hearing impairment in workers. Chronic exposure to noise in the ears can lead to hearing loss, which in turn impairs communication and the ability to work with others. In addition, the noise of double machines is generally much louder and longer lasting than the noise of a single machine of the same power, so the work process with them is often busier and requires more attention.

The second factor is the risk of cardiovascular disease. Vibration from double-acting machines can affect heart function