Valve Noise

Why does valve noise occur? In the vast majority of cases, the culprit is damaged heart valves. Most often this is the result of hypertrophy, complicated by systolic heart failure, less often - calcification, vascular stenosis.

Symptoms of heart valve murmurs are expressed by aching pounding in the chest, noise when listening to the lungs. They occur infrequently and have a clear dependence on the condition of the heart muscle. As cardiac pathology progresses, the sound gradually intensifies. The intensity remains at the same level for several months.

Why does volume depend on the strength of heart contractions? The tremors are caused by a surge in pressure and an instantaneous difference in its indicators during contractions of the chamber and in its cavity. At the end of the contraction, the heart muscle relaxes, blood flows out of it, and noises occur. Echocardiography records the appearance of sound when the diastolic reading decreases by more than 5 mmHg. Art. at its natural level of 2 mm Hg. and higher.