Shum Plaska

A splash sound is a gurgling sound that can be heard in the stomach under certain conditions. This sound indicates the presence of gas and liquid in the stomach, which may be due to various reasons such as gastric hypersecretion, delayed gastric emptying or other diseases.

The splashing sound can be heard during auscultation of the abdomen. To do this, the patient should lie on his back, and the doctor should perform quick and short finger strikes on the epigastric region. At the same time, if there is gas and liquid in the stomach, they will gurgle and create noise.

The causes of Splashing noise can be different. For example, hypersecretion of gastric acid can cause the stomach to become full of fluid and gas, creating a splashing sound on auscultation. Delayed gastric emptying may also result in a splashing noise as the stomach contents will remain in the stomach longer than usual.

However, splashing noise is not always a sign of disease. It can sometimes occur in healthy people, especially after eating or drinking carbonated drinks. However, if the splashing noise is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

A splashing sound is a gurgling, sonorous sound that you can hear in your stomach while you sit with your eyes closed and hit someone with your finger. Why does this happen, and what reasons can cause this disease?

A splashing noise (characteristic of the intestines) is a loud, gurgling noise that is heard