Shuvarskogo-Simsa-Hunera Proba

The Shuvar-Simse-Hunerov test is a method for diagnosing specific gynecological diseases. This method was developed in honor of three outstanding specialists in the field of gynecology and obstetrics: M. V. Shuvarsky, N. M. Sims and M. Huner. Each of them contributed to the development of this science.

M. V. Schaurovsky was born in 1840 and was a prominent specialist in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. He studied issues related to women's health and motherhood, and also conducted numerous studies on the origins of pregnancy and fetal health during pregnancy. Shuvarovsky-Sims-Huner proposed the test in 1909.

N. M. Sims was born in the USA in 1785. He worked as a gynecologist and obstetrician for more than 30 years, and during this time he became one of the most respected specialists in his field.