Schwartz Tendon Suture

Schwartz tendon suture is a surgical procedure used to repair tendons and ligaments after they have been torn or injured. This method was developed by German surgeon Ernst Schwarz in the 1930s and is one of the most effective ways to treat tendon injuries.

Schwartz tendon suture involves the surgeon making a small incision in the skin, then entering the cavity of the joint or muscle and finding the damaged tendon. The surgeon then sews the ends of the tendon together using a special thread called a “suturing material.” The surgeon then closes the wound and stitches the skin.

This method has several advantages over other methods of treating tendon injuries. Firstly, it allows you to quickly restore the function of the damaged tendon and return to normal life. Secondly, it does not require long-term rehabilitation and allows the patient to quickly return to work or sports. Thirdly, this method is quite safe and effective, as confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients.

However, like any other treatment method, the Schwartz tendon suture has its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is that this method cannot be used to treat all types of tendon injuries, but only those that have a small degree of damage. In addition, this method can be expensive and requires a highly skilled surgeon.

Overall, the Schwartz tendon suture is an effective and safe treatment for tendon injuries and can be used to repair damaged tendons. However, before resorting to this method, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is suitable for your case.