Siderosis Exogenous

Exogenic siderosis or s. exogenum is a parasite from the class of amoebas that lives in the intestines of animals such as worms, fish and mammals. Exogenous siderosis can be found in people living in urban areas, and it can cause infection in people living in rural areas. This disease is very common in Europe and Asia.

Symptoms of exogenous siderosis include inflammation in the intestinal area, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Some people may also suffer from anemia. In some cases, exogenous siderosis can lead to death.

There are several factors that contribute to the development of exogenic sidrosis. One of them is the lack of minerals, vitamins and nutrients in the diet. Decreased immunity, metabolic disorders and other diseases also contribute to the development of the disease.

To treat exogenous sidorosis, it is necessary to use antibiotics such as tylosin, micosanazole and gramidin. You should also monitor your diet and take vitamins. If symptoms persist, surgery is performed.

The fight against exorogenic sidoroses is of great importance, since they can cause serious consequences for human health. Prevention should include food monitoring and water quality control, as well as good hygiene in homes and workplaces.