Syphilide Papular Coin-shaped

Syphilide Papulosis Coin-shaped Information about the disease

Syphilide Coin papule is a rare but dangerous skin disease that is caused by bacterial infection. This infection is one of the most common types of infectious diseases caused by Treponema bacteria. Because of its rarity, most people do not know what Syphilis is or how it is caused.

This rare skin disease affects 0.2–20% of all patients with chronic syphilia, often occurring in the late stages of the disease, with skin processes of a generalized nature. It is believed that coin-shaped papules are the most characteristic feature of this particular period. The presence of papules at the site of lupoma or at the site of infiltration may indicate a chronic process, often due to the onset of malignant cell restructuring. The degree of malignancy of the lymphoma can