Syphilide Papular Vegetating

S. Papulosum Vegetans, also known as Syphilitic cutaneous lupus, is a chronic skin disease caused by the bacterial infection Treponema pallidum. It appears as red papules with a purple rim that form slowly enlarging plaques all over the body and around the mouth. The disease affects the skin of all parts of the body, including areas of the face covered with scalp hair.

Syphilide is one of the early stages of syphilis, and is the first stage after the syphilis bacterium has entered the human body. Typically, a few weeks after infection, red spots appear on the body, which over time turn into plaques with a more pronounced red center. Papyrus-like skin forms in the center of the plaques, which gives the disease its name.

The disease is caused by syphilides fungi of the family Pucciniaceae. This type of affected skin area is not contagious, since these fungi are present on the skin of the carrier itself, however, infection from infection is possible