Syphilis Hidden

Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the causative agent of syphilis, Treponema pallidum. In medical practice, there are two types of syphilitic infection: primary and secondary. One of the common forms of early latent syphilis is latent latent syphilis. In some cases, it is not accompanied by clinical manifestations, but laboratory research methods show the presence of the pathogen in the body. Therefore, even in patients with a complete absence of symptoms, pathology should be excluded. The main reason for the development of hidden latent disease is the body’s autoimmune mechanism of fighting infection. This is due to individual resistance to the antimicrobial agent. Diagnosis of the latent form is possible using the following methods: - standard serogen microscopic method according to Waaler-Roth or modified using the Frankenstein drug; - using latex agglutination and MFA with diagnostics of the antigenic properties of the pathogen according to Ascoli;

Sexual transmission of infection is considered the most common, therefore diagnosis of latent male infection is mandatory for patients. Rarely, a hidden infection can be recognized by the presence of dry, painless blisters on the skin or scalp