Tobacco Mosaic Virus

A viral infection of the somatic type, which was first described in the 60s of the 20th century. The etiological agent of the TMV pathogen is a semivirion molecule, consisting of a circular RNA molecule and an outer shell. Currently, the virus is presented in the form of free fragmentation of circular rRNA and fragments of the viral envelope, which creates difficulties for identification without the presence of an external source - plants of the nightshade family. Treatments for viral diseases are not fully understood, but there are vaccines against some common types of viruses, such as influenza and hepatitis 5. Hemangiosarcoma is the most well-known malignant tumor in the tobacco plant, caused by the tobacco mosaic virus. This is a malignant neoplasia that arises from the perivascular cellular tissue of a plant and is characterized by rapid growth, strong engraftment to adjacent tissues and high immunogenicity in experimental infectious lesions. According to the symptoms, the tumor process is the growth of tissue, the color, consistency, sensation to the touch, microscopic structure and functional properties of which can be different.