Syphilis Secondary Recurrent

**Secondary stage syphilis** reinfection includes the previously listed phases of the secondary period.

The cause of the disease is the repeated penetration into the body of Treponema pallidum, which is found in the cerebrospinal fluid, saliva and a number of other human secretions in the form of cysts. Most people who become infected with a similar disease during their lives suffer from a reinfectious form of the disease. This condition occurs as a result of contact with sick people. The method of infection is similar to the stages of primary manifestation.

Reinfection can occur either 2–3 years after the last moment of infection or decades later. If the disease manifests itself at the age of 8-15 years, then at the age of about 30 years the patient may begin to experience exacerbations and relapses. As for adults, even in the absence of adequate treatment for syphilis, re-development of the secondary stage can be avoided. In the female part of the population, syphilitic patients suffer less than in men. This is due to the habit of many women to engage in oral-genital contact with partners of different age categories, so they become infected more often. Although these people do not have problems with the health of the genitourinary system, to prevent infection of partners it is enough just to monitor hygiene standards and contraception. The main thing is not to establish contact with people who have hidden infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. A completely healthy person can get syphilis. Three routes of infection have been described previously. Infection can also occur in utero. Even before the term, a woman infected with syphilis during pregnancy was recommended to have an abortion, but this leads to mental and physical defects of the child. If symptoms of a recurrent syphilitic disease occur, the woman is forced to register and constantly visit a gynecologist for a preventive medical examination. Every 4-5 days, the doctor should check the condition of the veins and mucous membranes, especially with frequent sexual contacts with different partners. If a latent infection is detected, a man’s reproductive function is lost forever. That is why it is so important to diagnose syphilis disease on time. The development of the secondary stage of the disease is quite unpredictable. And it can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health or even death. However, often with the onset of relapse, the disease progresses quite rapidly and without pronounced symptoms. If the stage of secondary syphilitis occurs in a purulent form, ulcers and erosions develop. In some cases, asymmetry of the inguinal lymph nodes is possible. The appearance of spongy patches, seborrheic skin elements and small focal anemia is also possible. It is advisable to carry out treatment inpatiently. Often the patient requires hospitalization in the neurology or therapy department. The main difference between a primary syphilitic disease and a secondary one is the duration of the course. The stage of secondary formation is dangerous due to complications such as hydrocele or arterial hypertension. To avoid complications, drug treatment is carried out throughout the entire period of the disease. At this stage, the use of antisyphilitic drugs, a variety of and gels against fungi, vascular strengthening drugs and vitamin complexes. If syphilitis of the secondary type occurs in a chronic form, the doctor prescribes immunocorrectors. As a result, the main attention of doctors is paid to the prevention of syphilitic manifestations. Any Any