Sigmoiditis Purulent-hemorrhagic

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Sigmoiditis (inflammatory lesions of the sigmoid colon) and especially purulent sigmoiditis are one of the most common forms of acute surgical diseases of the abdominal organs. One of the most common intestinal pathologies encountered in emergency surgery practice is purulent sigmoidicitis. Their frequency among the entire clinic of nonspecific ulcerative colitis is about 41%, and among complicated colitis it increases to 80%. The leading place in the development of purulent sigmoiditis is the local manifestation of sluggish appendiceal peritonitis (95%) with permanent damage to the intestine. Very rarely (5-7%) the source of infection in purulent sigmoiditis is the abdominal cavity (empyema of the gallbladder, acute cholecystitis, destructive appendicitis). Approximately 95% of patients develop an abscess of the sigmoid and descending colon due to stagnation