
Silicea-Plus is a homeopathic remedy used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The manufacturer is the company Doctor N. Country of origin: Russia. The dosage form of this drug is granules in bottles of 40 grams and 20 grams. In addition, Silicea-PLUS has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immunomodulatory effects, accelerates the regeneration process of mucous membranes, and reduces their swelling. The peculiarity of this homeopathic medicine is its safety and lack of side effects, which makes it available for use not only by adults, but also by small children and pregnant women. Typically, it is recommended to consume five doses per day, increasing the amount of granules by one serving every couple of weeks. The packaging and quantity of the drug depend on the chosen release form: 1 bottle or 2 bottles. Usually one bottle is enough for a course of therapy, the duration of which is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis and stage of the disease. .

It is worth considering that the effectiveness of the drug will depend on the individual sensitivity of the body to the active components. Therefore, at the first signs of a cold, manifested in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, and fever, it is necessary to take preventive measures