
Silication is an occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of dust containing silicon dioxide (SiO2). It occurs among workers in mining, metallurgy, glass and other industries where there is a high level of silicon dust.

When inhaled, fine dust containing SiO2 particles is deposited in the lung tissue, causing chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Shortness of breath, cough develops, and pulmonary function decreases. The x-ray shows small spotty shadows. As the disease progresses, diffuse pneumosclerosis forms.

Diagnosis of silicatosis is based on medical history, clinical findings, X-ray findings and the results of sputum examination for the presence of SiO2 particles.

Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at improving the drainage function of the bronchi. Prevention is important - compliance with safety precautions, use of respiratory protection. If silicosis is detected, a change of profession is indicated to prevent the progression of the disease.