Simanovsky Forehead Reflector

The Simanovsky frontal reflector is one of the most important tools in the otolaryngologist’s arsenal. It was developed by Russian physician Nikolai Petrovich Simanovsky in the late 19th century and is used to treat various diseases of the nose and sinuses.

The Simanov frontal reflector is a metal cylinder with a rubber bulb at the end. During the treatment, the doctor inserts a bulb into the patient's nostril and presses on it to create negative pressure inside the nasal passages. This improves blood circulation in the paranasal sinuses and reduces swelling.

The use of the Simanovsky frontal reflex allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of many diseases associated with the nose and sinuses. It is also used to prevent respiratory diseases during winter.

However, like any other medical instrument, the Simanovsky frontal reflex can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Therefore, it is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations and not try to carry out treatment on your own.

Thus, the Simanovsky frontal reflector is one of the most effective tools for the treatment of diseases of the nose and sinuses, developed by the Russian doctor Nikolai Simanovsky. Its use allows you to quickly get rid of various problems with the nose and paranasal sinuses and prevent the development of complications.