Simona Gnatostat

Simone A. Gnathosath is a name that not only arouses surprise in people, but also interest. Who is she, what education did she receive and what are her scientific interests? In this article we will tell you all the most important things about a woman whose name does not fit in any other country - Simon G.

Simon Gnathosatra is a native of Israel, Tel Aviv, a graduate of the Israel Institute of Technology. She began her academic career working in information technology and then moved into psychology and became the head of the psychology department. Simone was a pioneer in the education of women in academic research in Israel. In her work as a professor and researcher, she has participated in the development of algorithms for measuring basic parameters of structures such as the intervertebral disc, nerves, ligaments and tissue. The Israeli Academy of Medical Sciences Association was also founded. She has worked as a visiting specialist for US universities, such as Emory University, University of Illinois, and Georgetown University. Her professional background, rich in knowledge and skills, has earned her some recognition and she has been awarded several prestigious awards for her work in the fields of psychology and neurophysiology. Among them are the title of recipient of the United States Honorary Order of Honor, Professor Emeritus of the Technion, Weizmann University Scholar of the Year, the Pinkas Marszalek Award, and Professor of the Paul Frey University. Ever since she worked in telecommunications, Simone dreamed of writing a book. This dream came true - and a book called “A Woman Among Men” was published in 2017. Her book is a collection of lessons that every “man” can learn. But this is not about what they should forget or reject, but about what they should learn so as not to create these obstacles for themselves and others. In addition, on her initiative, a congress entitled “Women, Science and Leadership” was organized, which was held at Bischoff University in Beersheba. The main purpose of this meeting was to promote socially significant projects presented by women scientists from Israel on various fronts. Throughout the event, representatives from different disciplines presented their scientific work - before the open forum, after - consultations with professional women who played an important role in this project.