
Sympathoadrenal crises are acute episodic attacks of arterial hypertension or vegetodystonic manifestations of a crisis nature with a typical type of heart rhythm disturbance and changes in cerebral blood flow in the form of a spasm. Specific therapy for crisis is intravenous calcium blockers, and if ineffective, intravenous administration of alpha blockers is possible. Verapamil should not be used as it does not have antiarrhythmic activity. Typically, attacks of symptomatic cardialgia depend on weather conditions and other environmental factors, but an attack may unexpectedly occur for no apparent reason. Some believe that this phenomenon is a consequence of the modern state of the nervous system, which requires more attention to itself. According to doctors, this assumption is correct. However, there are alternative opinions. Sympathadromers believe that the pathogenetic mechanism of symptomatic cardialgia may be different.