Vacuum Electrode

Vacuum electrodes are devices that are used in medicine and electrophysiology to carry out procedures involving the use of electric current. They are glass tubes with soldered electrodes, filled with an inert gas, and can be used for local darsonvalization or for chest leads electrocardiography.

When vacuum electrodes are used, they create a vacuum chamber around the electrode, which improves skin contact and reduces the likelihood of electrical interference. In addition, the use of an inert gas inside the tube prevents oxidation of the electrode and ensures a longer service life of the device.

Vacuum electrodes can be used in various medical procedures, such as darsonvalization, electrocardiography, electrical stimulation, electrophoresis and others. They can also be used to treat various diseases such as neurological disorders, muscle pain, rheumatic diseases and others.

However, when using vacuum electrodes, certain precautions must be taken, such as checking the integrity of the tube and electrode before use, and under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. In addition, possible side effects associated with the use of electrical current, such as skin burns and heart rhythm disturbances, should be considered.

Overall, vacuum electrodes are useful tools in medicine and electrophysiology that can help improve the quality of medical procedures and disease treatment. However, their use requires caution and a professional approach to avoid possible complications.

Vacuum - electrode method of electrotherapy is a physiotherapeutic method used to treat acute and chronic diseases. It combines the Darsonval procedure with electrical currents between two electrodes. The goal of this method is to improve blood flow and oxygenation of tissues, as well as improve cell regeneration. The use of vacuum electrodes can lead to decreased swelling, decreased pain, and a stronger immune system.

Vacuum electrode is widely used in clinical practice and is a popular method of electrotherapy. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, including burns, injuries, wounds, infections, swelling and others. The vacuum electrode can be used when treating the patient in a sitting or lying position. Research results show that this method is effective in treating many diseases, but it is important to remember that vacuum electrodes are not the only treatment method. It is important to carry out electrical treatment under the supervision of a doctor or physical therapist.

Cleaning the vacuum electrode is an important aspect in the effectiveness of the procedure. As toxins, germs and dead cells accumulate, they can be transferred to the patient through electrical current. Regular cleaning of the electrode can help avoid this problem. However, before using an electric vacuum preparation, it is necessary to consult a specialist.