Muscle Serratus Dorsal Cranial

Human muscles

Serratus muscle

The serratus muscle has the shape of a diamond, consisting of three muscle bundles.

The superior muscle bundle starts from the transverse process of the VII cervical vertebra and goes up and forward to the spinous process of the VII thoracic vertebra. The lower muscle bundle originates from the body of the VII costal cartilage and goes down and forward to the surface of the scapula. The middle muscle bundle, connecting the upper and lower muscle bundles, passes between them and continues in the form of a tendon to the greater tuberosity of the humerus.


  1. Raises the scapula, with the head and torso fixed.
  2. When the blade is fixed, it rotates around the longitudinal axis.
  3. Participates in the implementation of respiratory movements.
  4. With bilateral contraction, it moves the ribs down, participating in the act of exhalation.
  5. With unilateral contraction, it reduces the curvature of the spine.

The back muscles play an important role in maintaining correct posture and spinal movement. One of these muscles is the serratus dorsalis muscle. Cranial, also called m. serratus_dorsalis_cranialis. The muscle is involved in upward movements and is located at the back of the body in the upper back.

The name comes from a Latin word meaning “jagged, tooth-like.” It looks like the Greek letter "ζ" - tooth. In Latin, its name sounds like “serratus” - “as if jagged.” The literal translation of “cranialis” means “cranial,” but the Latin spelling of the word is not very similar to our names for various parts of the body. We are talking about the dorsal surface of the skull.

The muscle takes part in sitting, upright posture, upward thrust of the pelvis, and also helps with flexion of the torso. The function is maintained while a person is walking and standing. The development of this form is associated with the widespread use of leverage when carrying things. This adaptation led to the formation of a straightened main mass, smoothly descending to the hips, which made it possible to move forward without much effort. When working the muscles, this form functioned most strongly to increase the efficiency of movement.

Performs the function of holding the head in the correct position, takes part in the act of breathing, standing the body and maintaining balance, and bending the body forward.