Nail symptom

The nail symptom is pain in the crown of the head, which the patient describes as feeling as if a nail had been driven into the crown of the head. This symptom is characteristic of hysteria.

With hysteria, the patient may complain of acute throbbing pain in the parietal region of the head. The patient says that he feels as if a nail was driven into his head. This sensation is so real that the patient tries to feel the nail with his hand.

The nail symptom refers to the somatic manifestations of hysteria. It occurs in the absence of any organic causes of headache. This is a psychogenic disorder caused by the patient’s internal emotional conflict. Treatment should be aimed at resolving this conflict through psychotherapy.

The nail symptom is one of the most famous and common symptoms of hysteria, which manifests itself in the form of pain in the head, reminiscent of the sensation of a hammered nail in the parietal region. This symptom is a characteristic sign of mental pathology caused by prolonged stress and nervous disorders. It manifests itself in people suffering from hysteria or psychasthenia, and can be associated with a complex of somatic and mental symptoms.

The nail sign was first described in 1882 by the German neurologist Floyd Lewin and is named after him. This phenomenon was described by him during his observation of patients suffering from hysterical convulsive twitching of the limbs, which was accompanied by pain in the parietal region, which is why they compared this pain with the sensations of hammering a nail.

Due to neurological diseases such as migraines, cluster headaches can mimic nail syndrome. These cases are quite rare. But it is worth noting that a symptom of a nail is often called any dull, aching, prolonged pain that does not allow one to adequately assess the severity of other somatic diseases. In addition, it happens that patients try to use the “nail symptom” as insurance against medical examinations to obtain disability.

Symptoms of the nail symptom When a patient is immersed in hypnosis, according to the standard technique, immersion occurs in four different stages. It must be clearly remembered to never use hypnotic suggestion to eliminate suffering. This is done only with words, since the symptoms of nails are directly dependent on our consciousness: we are aware of the pain, and therefore we can remove it. Treatment and consequences of the symptom of nails It should be realized that treatment is possible