Symptom Neurological General

A neurological symptom is one of the possible symptoms of any disease or injury localized in the head, cervical region and spine. Neurological symptoms allow the doctor to determine the cause and specifics of the process, as well as assess the extent of the damage. Typical symptoms indicate that the nerve is suffering, but the presence of pathological changes in the brain, even in the absence of visible resistance in the affected area, is questioned.

General symptoms are characteristic of a number of diseases or disorders of the body. The mere fact of detecting such signs is not a basis for making a diagnosis, but indicates an unsatisfactory condition of the patient, in which case further examination and more accurate diagnosis are required.

There are different types of neurological symptoms such as pyramidal or cerebellar disorders or extrapyramidal disorders. The main difference is the different nature of disorders associated with brain function, muscle movements and coordination of body movements. So, for example, the affected pyramidal tract is responsible for combined, coordinated movements and regulates speed. The extrapyramidal part controls the expression of facial muscles, facial expressions, tone, thereby promoting clear and clear speech. And it is the combination of one or another type of general neurological symptom that is the basis for diagnosing almost any pathology of the brain or spine.

General symptoms include both chronic, frequently recurring pain of varying localization and severity, as well as completely sudden manifestations that can lead to paralysis, epileptic seizures and instant loss of sensitivity in any part of the body. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, different diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation may be prescribed.