Hip Abduction Symptom

The hip abduction or extension sign, also known as the Abduction sign, is one of the earliest and most common symptoms of the Separation sign (gracidylosis). This symptom appears in early childhood and may signal the onset of serious medical problems. This symptom may appear as unilateral or bilateral

Hip abduction symptom a is a medical term meaning involuntary separation of the legs during cramps of the lower extremities. The pathological mechanism of hip syndrome is associated with disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses in the spinal cord and the muscles of the lower legs.

Attention to the symptom in case of emergency damage to the lower abdomen from the side of the spine - Symptom of abduction of the hips to the side:

- Determine the possibility of extending the legs from the middle position to full extension (abduction in the hip joints). - Movements are performed in the lumbar spine without sharp painful sensations: - From a neutral position, the patient slowly raises one leg to a horizontal level due to contraction of the quadriceps muscles - “a symptom of a wounded fighter”, - When the load is suddenly removed, the antagonist muscles contract sharply, which leads to lateral displacement of the pelvis as a moving part of the arc of a four-chamber shock-absorbing system consisting of the flexure of the pentadal vertebra and the sacroiliac joint. - This displacement of the pelvis is accompanied by a concave curvature of the pubic symphysis (Laue’s symptom), see Fig. 9.14. 2 - Let us also continue the definition: - The state of pathological changes in the spine is determined by movements in the lower thoracic spine, while fixation of the damaged area of ​​the chest is impossible due to its height (elongation); - The clinical picture of a disorder of the spinal column is represented by pain of a non-acute pulsating nature at the time of palpation of the costal arches or extreme ribs and disturbances of sensitivity above the corresponding level, as well as a feeling of numbness in the symmetrical limbs, paresthesia and decreased or loss of sensitivity due to compression of the spinal cord; - Weakening of the iliopsoas muscles is noticeable by the too sharp “swaying” of the pelvis, which makes minor movements as an independent, significantly reduced relative to normal movements and associated only with the excursion of the diaphragm, a freely sliding part of the skeleton capable of smooth and forward movements.