Falling Drop Symptom

What is the symptom of falling drops? This is a problem that occurs when the spinal column is damaged along the thoracic or lumbar spine. The disorders are caused either by downward displacement of the spinal cord roots, or by transverse and longitudinal disc protrusions. This symptom is reported in various diseases that may be associated with displaced salts, osteochondrosis, herniated disc, etc. Thus, the main principle of treatment is decompression of nerve endings, i.e. release from pressure of roots extending beyond the canals. The pathology in which the drop drop symptom is observed is most often considered to be spondylolisthesis. This is a progressive degenerative process associated with wear of the intervertebral discs. However, damage to the dorsal segments of the spine cannot be ruled out due to the influence of infection, tumors, and trauma. A characteristic feature of the symptom of falling droplets is the relationship of pain with position