Floating Ice Symptom

Floating ice symptom

general description

The floater sign (Olshen's sign) or (palpable, painful swelling in the right upper abdomen) is a clinical sign that occurs on palpation in patients with retroperitoneal tumors containing solid masses, such as head and neck tumors, and metastatic cancer. mammary gland or ovaries. Many disorders that may be accompanied by this symptom may have diagnostic clues to understand the patient's clinical picture. The condition "floating ice" may indicate the presence of other serious disorders. It usually appears in combination with ascites in gastric cancer with metastases to the liver, and sometimes independently of it. Medical history (even if it may not reveal an obvious symptom) may be a key factor in the decision to initiate treatment. In this symptom, the technique of performing palpation examination is of primary importance. The level of the tumor in relation to the anterior abdominal wall must be clarified to determine the appropriate level of the trocar for puncture over the tumor. Distant metastases to regional lymph nodes are also detected. To determine the location of the tumor, computed tomography and gastroscopy are performed

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about the floating iceberg sign.

Symptom of floating (floating) ice - splanchnic sensitive ulcers at the ends of long tubular bones due to acute hemosiderosis with “cold diathesis”, or a special form of cold injury due to hypothermia and other diseases

This symptom is used to diagnose renal infarction. Renal infarction is a clinical syndrome of kidney tissue death that occurs against the background of ischemic damage to the renal artery and occurs when blood circulation in the kidney is impaired

To determine the diagnosis, the floating icicle sign is an important diagnostic sign that helps to identify the presence of renal infarction or liver enlargement.

Researchers have identified a predisposition to developing malignant tumors in patients with ice floes.