Symptom Mental Positive

I welcome everyone who is interested in the topic of mental symptoms. In this article I want to talk about such a concept as “mental positive symptom” or, for short, “PPS”.

**Why is PPS needed?** Positive mental symptoms are phenomena that do not harm a person’s health, but are considered abnormal for the state of mind and behavior. These symptoms also include behavioral abnormalities caused by mental disorders. Psychopathic feelings are characterized by impaired psychomotor function, as a result of which a person acts and behaves differently than under normal conditions, but this behavior can cause harm to others.

PPS are caused by various mental pathologies. These may be various types of schizophrenia, depressive disorders, manic phases of bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder or psychopathic phenomena.

How do PPS differ from mental norms? The main difference between a mental norm and a pathological one has a purpose. In a healthy person, positive mental phenomena occur exclusively during positive emotions, while in persons with a mental disorder, the same symptoms may appear even at the moment of negative emotions. At the same time, usually the cause of positive mental manifestations is the influence of some external irritating force on a person. The mental norm manifests itself unconsciously, and it is directly accompanied by a change in mood and/or physiological state. Positive mental symptoms appear under the influence of external irritating forces (incidents, stressful situations, etc.), but are not accompanied by changes in physiological functions that occur during a person’s normal reaction to some problems or external stimuli.

In addition, compared to normal expressions of emotion, positive mental emotions become more intense. In some cases, such violations can lead to dangerous consequences, so treatment and assistance from qualified specialists is necessary. But it is important to understand that PPPs have their own specifics, which include the dynamics of changes depending on the form of the disease and the point in time. That is, there are periods of time when such a person can control his

A positive mental symptom is a condition in which there is an improvement in mental state and increased vital activity in response to illness or adverse environmental influences. It is also possible to exhibit symptoms of mental negativity.

Physiological reactions in the case of a positive symptom are characterized by increased activity of the cerebral cortex, increased blood flow, and increased metabolic rate. An increase in intestinal motility, an increase in the tone of striated muscles, and an increase in the amplitude of muscle contractions are noted.