Stretch marks

Stria distensum is a medical term that describes a skin condition in which white stretch marks appear. This condition occurs due to thinning and stretching of the skin due to prolonged periods of immobility. The syndrome can occur in people who remain in one position for a long time, for example, at work, at school, or with certain diseases.

One of the most common diseases associated with Striae distensum is chronic venous insufficiency, which can occur while sitting or standing. In this disease, the veins in the legs become dilated and weakened due to insufficient blood circulation.

Symptoms of Striae distenui may include the appearance of white streaks on the skin that become darker over time. They can be localized in various parts of the body, like the stomach, legs, arms and neck. Sometimes they can cause discomfort or pain, especially if the surrounding skin is damaged.

Treatment for Striae distemui may depend on the cause of the disease. If the syndrome occurs due to lack of movement or physical activity,