
Symvalimit® is a lipid-lowering drug indicated for the treatment of high cholesterol in patients with or suspected of having coronary artery disease. It belongs to a group of drugs called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), which block the biosynthesis of cholesterol in the liver and thereby reduce its levels in the blood.

Manufacturer and country of origin: Latvian manufacturer Grindeks Joint Stock Company.

International Name: Simvastatin

Indications for use: - hypercholesterolism, when the diet did not help reduce cholesterol levels; - combined vascular damage together with triglycerides; - myocardial infarction, stroke; - state of atherosclerosis.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under eighteen years, individual intolerance to simvastatin.

Side effects:

* gastrointestinal disorders: stomach pain, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea; * digestive problems: flatulence, bloating; * nausea, constipation; * increased appetite and transamino acid levels; * disruption of the nervous system with headaches, disturbances in the sensation of body weight and falls; * muscle weakness and exhaustion; * activation of liver disorders; * allergic reactions, including angioedema, skin rashes with redness and itching, asthenosis; * bleeding; * increased risk of hepatitis and cancer.

Interaction: The combination of simvatialin with immunosuppressants, high doses of nicotinic acids or with antifungal drugs derived from azole ketocosane, itraconosil increases the risk of myapia and seizures. It also increases side effects when using indirect anticoagulants

Overdose: the clinical picture of overdose is expressed in the following signs: increased symptoms of side effects, significant inflammation of the liver, degenerative processes, edema, fainting. Treatment consists of taking a special anti-vomiting measure, using activated charcoal and monitoring biological indicators.

Special instructions: Treatment of this disease should only be started under the supervision of a doctor who regularly monitors the patient’s liver function. It is also necessary to monitor cholesterol levels throughout the treatment procedure. Simvastolin should not be prescribed to patients with a history of alcohol abuse or liver disease, people who have undergone organ transplantation, or those suffering from renal diarrhesia. If you notice unexplained muscle pain or symptoms of weakness, you should immediately contact a specialist. Due to the risk of increased creatinine phosphatase levels or signs of muscle weakness that appear during treatment, creatinine phosphatase levels should be strictly monitored and the drug should be discontinued early.