
Sinaflan is a drug that belongs to the group of corticosteroids and is used in dermatology. It contains the active substance fluocinlone acetonide, which has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

Sinaflan is produced by several Russian companies, including both large and smaller enterprises. The most famous manufacturers are "Altaivitamins", "Biokhimik", "Bryntsalov", "GNIISKLS" and "Murom Instrumentation Plant".

The international name of the drug is “Fluocitlon acetonoid”, and its trade names include “Sinafar”, “Sinalephone” and others. Dosage forms of Sinafan include liniments 0.025%, ointments 0.5% and 2%.

Indications for use of Sinafan: allergic dermatitis and skin diseases. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy or hypersensitivity to the drug. Its use can lead to a number of side effects, including insomnia, changes in blood pressure