Sinalar Forte

Sinalar fort is a broad-spectrum drug that is used to treat skin diseases. It is a powerful corticosteroid and contains flucinolone.

Pharmacological properties The drug has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antihistamine effects. Effective for allergic dermatitis, exudative processes, infiltrative skin lesions and inflammatory diseases of the skin. When used externally, flucinolone suppresses inflammatory and allergic skin reactions that occur as a result of local skin irritation, contact with an allergen or a toxic substance. Acts quickly and effectively. When used systemically, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory and allergic skin diseases on the body and face, as well as other dermatological diseases.

**Mechanism of action.** The action of the drug is based on the ability of topical use of glucocorticoids. The topical form makes it have a local and specific effect on skin pathology. The drug provides rapid achievement of effect, which is associated with