Axo-Axonal synapse

A synapse is a place of contact between the processes of different neurons that form a connection in one synaptic apparatus. Some of the main types of synapses in the nervous system are axonal and axonal. For the purpose of this article, the definition used is Axonal synapse, which is also called Axonal synapse. An axon synapse is a synapse that forms between the axon of one neuron and the body of another neuron. It transmits information from one neuron to another. Axon synapses are found in all parts of the central nervous system. Synaptic processes occur in them, such as the release of neurotransmitters and signal transmission. Signal transmission at the axon synapse occurs through chemical transmission. It involves the release of chemicals such as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that can interact with receptors on the body of other neurons. Neuromedia