Sindopa 275

Country of origin - India
Pharm-Group - Antiparkinsonian dopaminergic drugs

Manufacturers - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (India)
International name - Levodopa + Carbidopa
Synonyms - Dopar 275, Duellin, Zymox, Izikom, Izikom mite, Carbidopa and Levodopa - Teva, Carbidopa/Levodopa, Levodopa+carbidopa, Nakom, Sindopa, Sindopa 110, Sinemet, Sinemet SR, Tidomet LS, Tidomet plus, Tidomet forte, Tremonorm
Dosage forms - tablets 25 mg
Composition - Active substance - Levodopa + Carbidopa

Indications for use - Parkinson's disease, symptomatic parkinsonism
Contraindications - Severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver, kidney, blood diseases, glaucoma, melanoma, bronchial asthma, mental illness, uncompensated pathology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine systems.
Side effects - Choreoathetoid hyperkinesis, arrhythmias, psychotic and paranoid reactions, dyspepsia, dizziness, visual impairment, hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, allergic reactions, ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract.
Interaction - The effect weakens vitamin B6. Enhances the effect of MAO inhibitors.

Overdose - Symptoms: muscle twitching, convulsive closing of the eyelid, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular and rapid pulse, loss of consciousness, convulsions, anxiety, hallucinations, coma. Treatment: Call an ambulance immediately. If the patient is unconscious
Special instructions - Limits use: pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, history of myocardial infarction. During treatment, nursing mothers should stop breastfeeding. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically conduct blood tests, check liver and kidney function.
Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2002, Mashkovsky M.D. No13, Kharkevich "Pharmacology" p. 205., Griffith "Medicines" vol. 1, p. 705