Alternating Bulbar Syndrome

Alternating bulb syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that causes problems with muscle function, including the muscles of the tongue, throat, jaw and face. The exact causes of Alternate Bulbar syndrome are not yet fully understood, but there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of its occurrence. One of these factors is heredity

Bulbar alternance syndrome (ALTERNING bulbar muscles) is a medical anomaly caused by various types of abnormal conditions of the muscle tissue connecting the muscles of the body with the tubercle of the brain or other organs.

The development of the syndrome affects nervous tissues, and therefore the connection between the brain and muscular and vascular tissues is disrupted. The doctor diagnoses alternans of the bulbar muscles with loss of sensitivity of the muscle frame or other changes that violate the norms of chewing and swallowing. Functional disorders of muscle motility lead to the inability to eat food and ensure the vital functions of the body. Sharp muscle spasms or increased tone of the neck muscles are possible.

Bulbarn alternans syndrome (rhomboid muscle alternans) is a disease characterized by disruption of the nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. In simple words, these are disorders of the central nervous system, which can manifest themselves as pain in the neck and back