Bulbar syndrome

Bulbar type syndrome is manifested by various dysfunctions of various parts of the body. First of all, the nervous system and organs for speech are affected. Deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and immune system also appear. In patients with bulbar syndrome, there is a decrease in the activity of mental processes - slow speech and some disturbances in motor activity. Often the latter is characterized by the chaotic nature of its actions. Often this disease is associated with the presence of vitamin deficiency. It is characterized by disruptions in mineral metabolism. There is a lack of emotional reaction and breathing problems. Most often, most problems develop in people of pre-retirement age. It is then that many chronic processes are launched, and the immune system begins to work worse. The performance of those organs that operate throughout the body with the participation of nervous activity decreases. This manifests itself in the form of convulsions, paresis, and fatigue, but such deviations usually occur together with other factors.